Jun 9, '07 1:53 AM
Greetings and Solutions! Good Morning! Howdy!
In case I missed anyone, Hi, there!! Glad you could join me on this most
auspicious occasion.
So, what's the occasion? It's the best day of your life. See,
yesterday's gone, and tomorrow isn't here yet. That means you've only got
today. And God doesn't make rotten days! I could take this to extremes,
but you get the picture. Hehehehehe ¦..
Where's my coffee? Must of left it in the kitchen. Gotta get it, and then we can start.
There! That was one good swig. Dad used to say,
"The first sip tastes just like the last one," as his reason for not
having too much. (He was also famous for saying "The first bite
tastes just like the last" when it came time to have a bowl of ice cream.)
My answer to him was, "Yeah, but I like all those sips in between,
too!" Sooo .... got your cup poured, yet?
Gotta share a miracle of
healing with you before we get started.
Last Sunday, Michael and Melissa's daughter, Amber, brought her
son, Tristan, for prayer. He was running a fever, a temperature of around
106, and the skin was peeling off his hands and feet. No one had any idea
what the problem was.
Amber (and her husband, Dan) had taken Tristan to local doctors
who had simply brushed it off as "the flu" or some kind of virus that
would subside quickly. The situation had been worsening and Tristan was
pretty listless when Amber brought him in for prayer.
We anointed Tristan with oil and prayed over him, declaring the
Word of God as the basis for his healing and complete restoration.
Although he seemed to brighten up at the time, through Monday and Tuesday, there
was little real improvement. By Wednesday, Amber had been able to get
Tristan into another doctor who decided that Tristan either had Scarlet Fever
or a dreaded disease known as "Kawasaki Disease," which is a
virus-driven affliction that literally eats the body from the inside out,
destroying cells, tissue, blood vessels and organs systematically and
Amber and Dan decided to get Tristan over to the Children's
Hospital in Seattle. By Wednesday night Tristan was pretty much out of
it. A team of doctors ran a series of tests on him yesterday morning, and
by 11:00 AM had concluded that he indeed had the dreaded "Kawasaki
Disease." They were frustrated because -- as they described the
situation to Amber and Dan -- had Tristan been diagnosed properly from the
start, he could have been immediately treated with an antibiotic which stops
the spread of the virus. By this time, however, his condition had reached
a critical stage with the blood vessels being now so thin the doctors feared an
aneurism or a heart attack. They expressed concern over the ability to
effectively treat Tristan before it was too late.
Amber called her folks, and Michael immediately shared with
Della and me. We joined in agreement, declaring war on this virus and
commanding the Spirit of Infirmity to loose Tristan.
Again, we commanded the authority of God's Word over him, declaring from I
Peter 2:24, "Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the
tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose
stripes ye were healed."
Michael and I both became really angry as we were declaring the
Word -- angry at Satan and his effort to steal, to kill and destroy these
children. (We have another similar situation pending with the 2-1/2 or
3-year-old grandson of Nora Whitaker -- another sister in the Lord here at
River Worship Center. We'll tell you about his healing next week.)
Michael and I both said -- almost at the same time -- "This will not
stand! We will not allow this attack to continue."
We all had peace in our spirits that indeed the Word had gone
forth just as the Scripture declares in Psalm 107:20, "He sent His
word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions."
By 4:00 PM yesterday afternoon, the head physician presiding
over the team of doctors in Tristan's case had run another series of tests and
declared Tristan to have been so recovered that he could be released from the
hospital. The other doctors in the team argued against it because of the
earlier morning test results, and the head physician gave them freedom to check
the new test results to their own satisfaction. By 6:00 PM last night,
everyone was in agreement. Tristan had totally recovered.
If I say that they were astonished at what happened, it would be
a masterpiece of understatement. One of the doctors said to Amber and
Dan, "Tristan's recovery is perhaps 1 out of 2 Million cases of this
disease. People simply do not recover when they are this far
advanced." It was nothing less than miraculous, and Tristan's case
will go down in the record books. Today, Tristan and his parents are back
home here in the Valley.
See? "He sent His word, and healed Tristan, and delivered him
from their (the Kawasaki virus') destructions!"
I have just one thing to say about this: HALLELUJAH! Don't
you just love it when the Lord does things like this?
Well, let's see if we can wrap up this picture of "I shall dwell
in the House of the Lord forever."
Referring to the "House" of the Lord, the Hebrew text
uses the word, - bayith. This word
describes "family retainings," and
incorporates both the concept of palace and temple in the sense of "a
royal house."
Since the picture of a palace or "royal house" conveys
the place or residency of final power and authority -- dominion, if you will,
David clearly knows the object and purpose of the paths of righteousness.
The paths of righteousness, in which we have been being led, lead us to the
goal and objective Jesus Christ established before those first words of
Creation, "Light be," were uttered.
It was that place of dominion where Adam and Eve resided.
The Garden of Eden was nothing more than a copy of a portion of Heaven.
The Garden was intended to become an extension of Heaven itself, with Adam and
Eve exercising dominion over all the earth and growing the Garden to the place
where it encompassed the entire globe.
Here's an interesting tidbit for you.
Our oldest son, Chris (Christian), has for several years worked
for an oil services firm under contract to ARCO and BP on the Arctic Slope of
Alaska. Several years ago, he was hired to participate in the building of
an island in the Arctic Ocean north of Prudhoe Bay. Once completed, a
number of oil rigs were put up on the island, and they began to extract a
prodigious amount of oil from beneath the Arctic Ocean.
This past year, Chris worked with a crew to build an ice road
across the Arctic ice in preparation for building a second island. (I
won't take the time here to describe that process, but suffice it to say that
it is an extraordinary piece of engineering.)
That island is still being constructed (this is not an oil
platform like you see in the Gulf of Mexico or in the North Sea off the coasts
of England, but an actual island constructed from the ocean floor up) but
they've made sufficient progress to have done a test well from that island.
Chris was telling me that just a couple weeks ago, they pulled up the drill bit
after having gone down some 26,000 feet. On that drill bit they found
whole palm leaves and live bacteria that predate Noah's flood.
When Chris told me about it, my natural reaction was, "PALM
LEAVES????!!!!! Beneath the Arctic Ocean? Five miles deep?"
Tests are currently being conducted in some laboratories in
Denver on the bacteria, but what seems clear from the discovery is that Alaska
and the Arctic were once very tropical prior to Noah's Flood. We know
there are petrified forests near the coastline in northeastern Alaska near the
Canadian border. What it all suggests to me is that Adam and Eve had
extended the Garden of Eden much farther than current thinking allows.
Even allowing for the fact that the entire earth was covered with water for
several months, and sea-going currents could have moved vegetation and debris
considerable distances during those months, it does not account for a find like
Most of us tend to think of the Garden of Eden has having been
restricted to the Middle East, encompassing the land or territories we now know
as Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Israel and the Sinai -- and some
folks think it was even smaller than that. Yet when you consider Adam and
Eve's lifespan being measured in millennia instead of hundreds of years (By my
estimates, Adam was 2,930 years old -- or thereabouts -- when he died, since
time was not measured as we calculate it until they were evicted from the
Garden. [See II Peter 3:8 for example]), it takes no great imagination to see
the Garden flourishing until it covered a huge region of the earth.
Anyway, enough of my kibitzing and speculation. The point
here is that Adam and Eve really DID grow the Garden as they were commanded.
They were exercising the dominion over the earth that God had given.
Every living creature was subject to them. They exercised the same kind
of dominion on earth that God exercised in Heaven. There was a continual
flow of communion between God and man. The "House of the Lord"
had a corridor (Think that was a "wormhole" like the one in Stargate? I doubt it.) that passed between Earth and
Heaven essentially extending the "House of the Lord" to incorporate
all that Adam and Eve ruled.
So why are we having this discussion, anyway? When John
was given the Revelation, one of the things he heard in Heaven was, "Thou art
worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: for thou hast created all
things, and for they pleasure they are and were
We were originally created for His Will, His Desire, His
Pleasure, His Choice, His Purpose and His Decree. (All of this is wrapped
up in the Greek word, -- thelema: translated
"pleasure.") Now do you understand the phrase where David
writes, "He leadeth me in the paths of
righteousness for His name's sake"?
Everything that Jesus was and is and ever shall be is at stake
in His leading us in those paths of righteousness. His name is at stake
in us. We were created for Him. We were created to be just like
Him. We were created to function just like He does. We were created
to operate in power and authority just like He does.
In short, we were created to be His brothers and sisters -- His
family -- so that He could enjoy our fellowship. There's a word for you:
fellowship! It comes from the Greek, -- koinonia. This is one
of those multi-faceted words in Greek that draws a very large picture, but the
simplest way of illustrating is to describe it as: having all things
common. The Greek, koinonia, comes from its
counterpart, koinonos: an associate, a sharer, a partner.
The bigger picture of koinonia is that of:
partnership, companionship, co-benefaction. It is a picture of equals
functioning together, living together, companioning together in love and
friendship so that each party is mutually benefited by the relationship.
Understanding this concept is key to understanding the purpose of our existence
and the reasoning behind the agreed-upon communion in Heaven that resulted in "Let us make
man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion..."
If God had intended for man to be an inferior species -- a
sub-species, if you will -- He would never have set about to mold, create, form
and speak into existence a being who was just like Him, who looked like Him,
who thought like Him and who spoke like Him.
The loss of that status that came when Adam and Eve ate of the
Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil meant that for God to have His purposes
fulfilled and accomplished, a means would have to be in place to rectify Adam's
screw-up. He WAS, after all, going to get for Himself exactly what He had
purposed from the beginning!
The rectifying of Adam's giving away of that place of dominion
-- and with it the cutting off of the fellowship, the harmony, the companioning
together between God and man, then, must -- of necessity -- begin with the
restoring of Jesus Christ as Lord and Shepherd. Restoring the Lordship of
Jesus Christ then meant the return of the Garden of Eden with "I shall not
want." We've already noted that Eden literally translates to
"voluptuous living." Voluptuous living translates to the
absolute epitome of abundance in every area: hence, "I shall not
Because communion with God was cut off, His Word was necessarily
cut off. That meant the necessity of bringing us back to His Word.
Hence, "He maketh me to lie down in green
pastures." Since we are first and foremost spirit beings, created
like God who is a Spirit, it follows that we must be able to function with the
Lord in the realm of the Spirit. Because His Word operates with spiritual
power and authority, we must -- of necessity -- likewise learn the operation of
the Word through the Spirit. That means we must be filled with the Spirit,
and that is a daily process. The Lord, therefore, leads us beside the
still waters so we can drink, and drink, and drink, and drink, and drink as
often as necessary.
But all of this only opens up areas of our lives -- maybe a very
large part! -- that is in need of being restored to His image and likeness.
Thus, restoration begins: restoration of our thinking, restoration of our
speaking, restoration of our doing.
And all of that sets the stage for -- and this is only the very
beginning: kindergarten, if you will -- our walk in the paths of righteousness
as the Lord Jesus Christ, by and through His Spirit, rebuilds His character and
likeness in us. As already noted, His name, His character, His
reputation, the very essence of all that He is, is at stake in this rebuild of
our character and makeup.
Along the way, we come to realize that -- despite all outward
signs to the contrary -- He never leaves us nor forsakes us. Life is
going to take us into the Valley of the Shadow of Death where every effort of
the Enemy to rule our lives in fear and torment -- the way he used to do before
we began our walk in and under the direction of His Lordship and Shepherding --
will come at us again to steal all that Jesus Christ has done in us, and is
Despite Satan's best efforts, the rod of authority of the Lord
Jesus Christ, and the staff of His guidance will continually be there to steer
us as we respond. The longer we walk in these paths of righteousness, the
more the Valley of the Shadow of Death will become just that: a shadow, an
apparition: not the reality. And while our enemies are yet around us, the
Lord will bring out His blessings and His abundance to set before us so that
our enemies realize that God is our source, our provision, our protection; and
they'll not be able to touch us.
Now comes the moment of our anointing as we are prepared to go
forth empowered by the Spirit of God. Now comes that instant in time when
the Lord says to us and of us in the sight of others, "This is my beloved
in whom I am well pleased."
You simply cannot have that experience of knowing the anointing
and seeing it operational in your life without the accompanying "cup
running over." Everywhere you go, from this moment forward, the
Blessing of the Lord will manifest in your life. Everything you put your
hand to will prosper. You'll begin to see
results -- permanent results -- from the operation of the Word and the Spirit
in and through you.
By now the character of the Lord, His Love, His Grace, His
Power, His Authority -- all that He is -- will become a covenant manifestation
in your life. The goodness of the Lord and His sure mercies will follow
you everywhere. They will be the natural byproduct of your life.
And all that brings you to the House of the Lord -- FOREVER!
This was the objective from the beginning. Now the objective has been
What's so spectacular about having reached this place is that
now things can REALLY get under way. That partnering, that companionship,
that fellowship with God that we were created for in the first place can really
kick in.
Now the world gets to see what Paul described in his letter to
the Romans: "For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.......For
we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now. And not only
they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits
of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the
adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body."Â (Romans
This is where we're headed folks! We have an entire world
scrambling for what it knows not; and this -- the manifestation of fully
mature, fully grown, fully operational sons and daughters of God -- is what the
world cries out for in pain and travail.
Come on, folks! My brothers, my sisters, Grow up!
Let the Lord accomplish His will, His purpose, His heart's desire in you so
that you become that friend, that companion, that partner the Lord has been
seeking all this time.
The world waits to see what God has accomplished!
The Bible is neither a collection of laws and commandments nor a
book of rules. It contains 66 bags of seed that we can plant in our
lives. As long as we actually plant that seed, and then water it
appropriately with our daily confession of faith, we will receive the expected
and very tangible harvest.
Blessings on you!

A. Capener
Sunnyside, Washington 98944
Contact: Admin@RiverWorshipCenter.org
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