Jun 7, '07 10:30 PM
Good Morning, all you blessed people!
Y'all doing? Supercalifragilistic Expialidocious? Riiiiiiigghhhhttt!
so often I find out -- after I've posted, of course -- that I've made some
pretty serious typos in my Coffee Breaks that really alter what I've intended
to say. Like the last one, for example.
what went out before I had a chance to see it and correct it.
description of the "House of the Lord" is that place where we are
functionally on the same level with the Lord Jesus Christ. Please note
that I've said "functionally" -- NOT positionally. Do go off half-cocked and start suggesting that Regner Capener is preaching the
errant Mormon doctrine that "as Christ once was, we now are; as He now is,
we shall become." That's not what this is about. We are heirs
and joint-heirs with Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ we cannot be seated together with Him in
Heavenly Places. We will never replace Him at the right hand of the
Father. He will always have that preeminent position.
said, it is His will, His desire, His ultimate plan and purpose for us to
function exactly like He does with that same divine power and authority that He
has been building in us. And that power and authority can only function
through agape -- God's Love. Thus, agape has to become part and parcel of our nature, our
character, the very essence of our existence so that we can dwell together with
Him in His house -- FOREVER!
should have read "DON'T go off half-cocked....." My kids laugh
about the fact that I type pretty fast (anywhere from 70 to 100 wpm).
(I've been doing this since I was 14 or 15 years old). Typing fast is
fine, but I generally type as I think, and sometimes I forget to proof-read
what I've actually written. When that happens, I get these silly typos.
point I was making in the previous Coffee Break was that when we reach the
"House of the Lord," in this walk and in the development of our
relationship with Jesus Christ, He has raised us up to sit with Him in Heavenly
places. THAT, my friends, is a place of supreme authority!
I've shared this before, but some months ago during one of our times of morning
prayer and worship, the Lord gave me a vision of the Throne and a perspective
of the Throne I'd never seen before. I saw us seated on the Throne with
the Lord Jesus Christ. The Throne literally stretched out beyond my
horizon. I saw the Father seated in His place on the Throne with Jesus
Christ at His right hand. We were seated next to Jesus at His right hand.
2:6-7 just leaped to life in my understanding. That's where Paul writes, "And
hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in
Christ Jesus: That in the ages to come he might show the exceeding riches of
his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus."
phrase, "sit together" comes from the Greek, --sugkathizo,
which literally translates to: to give (or take) a seat in company with.
don't take a seat "in company with" the Lord Jesus Christ without
first being invited, and then given that seat. What was it that Isaiah
am the LORD: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither
my praise to graven images." (Isaiah 42:8)
get to the concept of "glory" momentarily, but do you see the
picture? Being seated with Jesus Christ in Heavenly places is a place of
shared glory, shared authority, shared power, shared blessing, shared
EVERYTHING! And He doesn't lightly give that. He certainly does not
give it to those whose lives and worship are contaminated with the adoration of title, position, power, money, people,
possessions -- STUFF!
return to the discussion on glory we began in our previous Coffee Break.
fact that the love-relationship between Adam and Eve and God was lost because
of their having chosen to violate God's command and eat of the Tree of the
Knowledge of Good and Evil also signified the loss of agape (the Hebrew
equivalent is Heses) being manifested through human flesh. That loss
necessitated a continuance of the original plan (not "Plan B", since
the Lord was not taken off-guard when this happened) being implemented so that agape could
be returned and manifested through a people who purposely chose to make the
Lord their Shepherd, and were willing for the Lord to work whatever was
necessary in them to restore the flow of agape between God and
and Eve were, for all intents and purposes, kicked out of "the House of the
Lord" when they chose academic and experientially-gained knowledge over
the revelation that comes through agape. With agape comes kheseed. With agape andkheseed comes glory. This isn't just for our sake: this is
for His sake -- His name's sake, His onoma's sake!
Sin is
so degrading to the human frame and so destructive to our existence that
overnight change and transformation -- restoration, if you will -- back to that
place of the Glory of the Lord must be step-by-step, stage-by-stage,
Glory-to-Glory, until the work is completed. Sinful flesh simply cannot handle
the Glory of the Lord. Flesh -- though our mind and our will, and
despite our purpose to walk with God -- has within its genetic DNA the residual
demands and commands of a way of life totally contrary to glory. Since
everything about the Lord manifests His Glory, and everything He is bringing us
back to is to reveal that Glory, our DNA must be changed back.
understand, of course, what I'm talking about when I refer to our DNA?
I'm referring to the fact that Adam and Eve's sin changed and contaminated that
original DNA created by God when Adam was first formed, and then God breathed
into him the breath of His life.
a not-so-quick side-note for you. One of the objectives of water baptism
is to put to death (perhaps more accurately, to symbolize the death that has
taken place by faith) the old man. The individual who comes up out of the
water is a person who has been resurrected supernaturally by the saving power
of Jesus Christ. The baptized person has the breath of God effectively
breathed into them so that they are now alive by and because of the Spirit of
God. They are alive by virtue of a new spiritual DNA.
when the Angel of the Lord came to Mary? "And
the angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favour with God. And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name JESUS. He shall be great, and
shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him
the throne of his father David: And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for
ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end.
said Mary unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man? And
the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and
the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing
which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God........... And Mary
said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word. And
the angel departed from her."
Do you
see the picture? You know, of course, that it is primarily the blood and
the DNA of the father that enters a child when it is formed in the womb.
Jesus qualified as a human being because He was born of a woman, but the DNA in
Him that gave Him the overcoming power and authority to defeat Satan was the
DNA of His Father.
the DNA that we have as baptized believers. There's a whole lot more to
this picture that we'll take up at some later date, but I wanted to draw this
example for you to demonstrate the basis of God's Glory.
is a process to the revealing of God's Glory, and it follows this sequence: (1)
Love -- Agape (the Love of God) -- empowers Faith. (2) Faith becomes operational
by the Word of God. (3) The Word of God becomes substance -- manifested
reality, if I can put it that way -- when it is verbalized and spoken out of
that Faith. (4) The Substance produced by the Word, spoken in Faith,
empowered by Love, becomes the Glory.
Moses' prophecy? "But as truly as I live, all the earth shall be filled
with the glory of the LORD." (Numbers 14:21)
Isaiah prophesied, "And the glory of the LORD shall be revealed, and all
flesh shall see it together: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it." (Isaiah 40:5)
It was
John who later wrote, "And
the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the
glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth."(John 1:14)
did that happen? The Word first came to Mary by the Angel Gabriel.
Faith came to Mary by hearing that Word and, in and by that Faith, she
declared, "Be it unto me according to thy Word." Thus, by
Mary's word, which agreed with the Word of God, the Word became flesh -- Jesus
Christ, who was the manifestation of that Word, which John says was the Glory
of the Father.
Now do
you see it? I may be taking a somewhat circuitous route to get there, but
the process which brings the Glory of God is very clearly defined by the Word.
talk about God's concept of glory.
very first time we see this word, glory, occur in Scripture (in our English
texts) is with reference to Jacob's wealth and riches (Genesis 31:1). The
word in the Hebrew text is: -- zattig. It translates to the following: weight,to
be heavy with riches and honor, to
be multiplied innumerably, splendor,copiousness.
word, zattig, appears well before the Genesis 31 reference, however.
In Genesis 13:2, the word is translated like this: "And
Abram was very rich in cattle, in silver, and in
you seeing the picture? "Glory" has an outward manifestation
that everyone can see. Contrary to popular thought (and religious
mythology), "Glory" isn't some kind of halo around someone's head, or
a bright light shining on them.
is the supernatural (I really don't like that word!) manifestation of the Word.
Glory is the product of Faith, which is driven and motivated by Love.
don't much like the word, "supernatural," because it coveys and
implies a false picture of "natural." Sin -- and very
specifically, eating of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil -- has
turned the entire human race into a species of "sub-natural" beings
who operate far below that which God originally designed. The concept of
"supernatural" is only "super-" when the reference is
within that frame of reference, "Glory" is not
"super-natural": it is the natural manifestation of
love>faith>spoken word. The "House of the Lord"
incorporates "natural" life as designed and ordained by the Lord.
In our
previous Coffee Break, I said that it is God's will, His desire, His ultimate
plan and purpose for us to function exactly like He does with that same divine
power and authority that He has been building in us. And that power and
authority function through Love/Faith/Word.
entire purpose of our walk with the Lord Jesus Christ in the paths of
righteousness is to bring us to the place where His Love, His Faith, and His
Word become part and parcel of our nature, our character: the very essence of
our existence, so that we can dwell together with Him in His house -- FOREVER!
Hebrew word, zattig (and its variants)
occurs something over 500 times throughout the Old Testament. It ALWAYS
is used to demonstrate something visible, something tangible, something that
people can relate to in a superlative sense. Our English texts of the Old
Testament alternately translate zattig: riches, wealth, and great honor.
Abraham, for Isaac, for Jacob, and for a host of others throughout the Old
Testament, the Glory of the Lord was manifested to an onlooking
world in the rather spectacular wealth they displayed. One of the
translations of zattig heavy, and it takes
no great imagination to see that in the excess of gold and silver Abraham,
Isaac and Jacob had to transport in their travels.
apostle Paul made the statement, For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that,
though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that ye through his
poverty might be rich." (II Corinthians 8:9)
words in the Greek text of this statement read like this: For ye
know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though he was rich (plousios: wealthy, increased with goods), yet
for your sakes he became (or took upon Himself) poor, (ptocheuo:
indigent, to become a beggar) that ye through his poverty (ptocheia: indigence -- in a figurative sense [J.H. Thayer]) might
be rich (plousios:
wealthy, increased with goods)."
are numerous references in Scripture which make clear the fact that Jesus was a
wealthy person in a natural sense. Literally hours before He was tried
and crucified on the Cross, we have the picture in John 12 where Mary, the
sister of Martha and Lazarus, takes a pound of spikenard (worth roughly three
years wages) and washes Jesus' feet with it. Judas, who was afflicted
with a spirit of poverty, gripes and says, "Why
was not this ointment sold for three hundred pence, and given to the
comment afterwards was, "This he said, not that he cared for the poor; but
because he was a thief, and had the bag, and bare what was put therein." John's remark
demonstrates that Judas' personal priorities were still about money -- that
"money" (or Mammon) owned him instead of the other way around.
"bag" as it is described by John has some rather interesting
connotations. The Greek word, -- glossokomon, parallels the Hebrew, -- kiys, which describes an ornamental and decorated bag the
very-rich wore around their waists to carry their gold and silver. This
bag was a symbol of wealth, stature and position in society. Jesus,
therefore, wasn't "poor" in the actual sense of being poor right up
to the very end of His earthly ministry. Rather, He took poverty upon
Himself as He went to the Cross to deprive Satan of his use of the curse of
poverty upon those who accepted Jesus' redemptive act on their behalf.
taken somewhat of a side-trip here, but my objective is to show you that wealth
and riches were used by God to demonstrate "Glory." Those
riches were something tangible the world could relate to. The fact that
Abraham became "very rich" by the hand of God, by virtue of the Blessing
that was upon him, became a sign to the world that what Abraham had was a very
personal relationship with the I AM, The Creator of Heaven and Earth, the Lord
Jesus Christ. It was a drawing card for the world to look at in order to
know that a return to the Garden experience, and the kind of walk with God that
Adam and Eve once knew, was available by Faith.
David ended the 23rd Psalm with, "I will dwell in the House of the Lord forever," he was showing the Glory, the manifestation of the Blessing,
the result of a walk in the paths of righteousness with the Lord as his
Shepherd as the culmination, the evidence, the proof-text for what happens when
one makes Jesus Christ Lord and Shepherd of their lives.
not quite finished yet, and we'll wrap up this discussion and (hopefully)
conclude this series of Coffee Breaks when we get together again. I've
been running behind all week because of the exceptional busyness of things
here, so if I don't get to post on Friday, we'll finish this next Monday.
Bible is neither a collection of laws and commandments nor a book of rules.
It contains 66 bags of seed that we can plant in our lives. As long as we
actually plant that seed, and then water it appropriately with our daily
confession of faith, we will receive the expected and very tangible harvest.
on you!

A. Capener
Sunnyside, Washington 98944
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